Mahayogi Siddhababa
Spiritual Academy

A not for profit organization providing seekers with authentic meditation based on the yogic tradition and with the guidance of a bonafide spiritual Guru (Jagatguru Mahayogi Siddhababa).

Our story

Welcome to the Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academy website! We are a meditation organization dedicated to connecting individuals to the secret gem of Mahayog Meditation also known as automatic Kundalini awakening meditation. We provide high quality teaching and guidance so you can develop your practice with ease, intention, and spirit. Keeping the wisdom of ancient yogis intact, this powerful energy activating meditation nurtures the body and mind and connects you to your spiritual center. Our intention is to provide a supportive foundation so you can harness meditation to become your best self. We hope the teaching of Himalayan Mahayog will contribute to creating conscious societies who walk together on the path of universal love.

The practice of manually awakening the Kundalini is well known and in recent years has become especially popular in the West. However, the secret gem of automatic Kundalini awakening, is scarcely practiced as it is known and performed by only a few Himalayan yogis. With automatic Kundalini awakening, meditators do not have to take any efforts to activate the dormant conscious energy residing within them. The Kundalini is often referred to as the “energy of transformation” and metaphorically stands for the power of the higher self or the power of consciousness. This is because once the Kundalini is awakened, automatic purification of body and mind begins and spiritual awareness blossoms, ultimately paving the way to enlightenment.
Our spiritual guide enlightened samdhi-siddha Jagatguru Mahayogi Siddha Baba, is a rare Himalayan yogi who has full knowledge of the Kundalini and has the capacity to awaken the Kundalini of others. With this precious expertise, he can activate the Kundalini of anyone regardless of where they live, it is not necessary to be in his physical presence. In light of this, we connect individuals from all walks of life to this ancient energy awakening meditation. Himalayan Mahayog is a powerful meditation, originating from ancient Vedic practice, that can be practiced by anyone and everyone. It is a path for transformation through direct experience and self-discovery.


Guidance from Mahayogi Siddha Baba

In any meditative path, guidance from a fully enlightened spiritual Guru (teacher) based on Guru-disciple tradition is essential for an aspiring meditator's progress. Mahayogi Siddha Baba brings mental, physical and spiritual well-being to his students and consistently guides them on their journey for peace, happiness, and ultimately self-realization.

Kriyas manifest based on your individual need

Once one begins this meditation, one's own Serpent power (Kundalini Shakti) decides what type of experiences to manifest in one's body based on the person's mental, physical and spiritual needs (e.g., automatic physical movements of all the four Yogas, namely Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Mantra yoga, Laya yoga). No two experiences are alike, for meditation is tailored for the specific needs of the individual. What's more, all experiences automatically come about, it requires no strenuous or manual effort.

Purification of the body and mind

Through this meditation, one automatically experiences purification of body and mind. Negative tendencies fade into positive tendencies and one's body begins to feel lighter and more energized. Positivity radiates in all aspects of life such as through self-love, good wishes for others, empathy, respect, and control over the mind.

Immediate awakening of your Kundalini

By the grace of Mahayogi Siddhababa one’s dormant Serpent Power (Kundalini) becomes immediately active through Shaktipaat Deeksha (transmission of spiritual power to an aspiring meditator). After awakening the Kundalini, aspirants can plug into their conscious energy source. Only upon awakening the Kundalini can one ultimately attain Supreme Consciousness.

The fast path to full consciousness

In Himalayan Mahayoga, as one continues meditation the layers enveloping consciousness, which appear due to our actions (karma) and sanskara (mental and psychological imprints and impressions), slowly fade away. In this way, one gains the ability to become aware, to experience and feel unlike before, and to sense and be one with their soul.

Love for all

This path allows one to internalize and emulate in behaviour that we are all part of a single Earth nation, bound by the bonds of human-love. One transcends from thinking and behaving based on outward distinctions and instead has positive feelings and love for all, based on the respect for all souls.



To begin meditation please register for a 3-day workshop by phone or e-mail. Our Ashram (meditative home) is located in Ottawa, Canada. If you are outside this region or country, we can come to you. Contact us for more details.

113 Keltie Private, Ottawa, ON

+1 (613) 879 1825


To begin meditation please register for a 5-day workshop by contacting the Ashram closest to your place of residence.

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