Upcoming course

Vedanta Philosophy: ArthaPanchaka (Tatva-Gyan)

course overview

Knowledge to change the world

Understanding and internalising the knowledge of Vedant philosophy is essential for true seekers. Without learning Vedanta philosophy from a ‘tatva gyani’, we cannot understand its true knowledge, without which our spiritual journey will not progress as we expect. Among several composites of Vedanta philosophy, ‘Artha-Panchaka’ is one of the most essential aspects of tatva gyan and one has to understand it prior to proceeding to other texts of Vedanta. This course, therefore, is offered to our Himalayan Siddha Mahayog Sadhaks who are seeking a way to succeed on the path of the divine.   

This 350-hour course is designed to fundamentally re-centre and vitalize true spiritual seekers. Whether or not you are new to the path of Himalayan Siddha Mahayog, you will have an exceptional opportunity to develop a foundational understanding of Vedanta and essence of devotion relevant to all walks of life, nations, spiritual traditions, and ethnicities. Learners on the divine quest will further be inspired by the direct teachings of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Ramkrishnacharya Maharaj Ji (Mahayogi Siddhababa).

Jagadguru mahayogi siddhababa

Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academy

Grounded in the spiritual tradition of Ramanandi Shree Vaishnav Sampardaya, Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academy offers learning sessions, courses, and Himalayan Siddha Mahayog diksha ceremonies on a regular basis. They are time-tested combined with featured programs and services based on a green planet, organic agricultural revolution, ayurveda, nadi science, yoga, borderless humanitarian initiatives, and beyond.

course details

Vedanta Philosophy: ArthaPanchaka (Tatwa-Gyan)

certification of completion

Attendance Policy:
Absence without consent or valid reason will be considered as discontinuation and will result in incompletion of the course. 

Steps for Course Registration:

  1. Complete the registration form
  2. Receive an e-letter of course registration
  3. Send confirmation of your sewa contribution
  4. Receive the online course link

Eligibility for Admission: Himalayan Siddha Mahayog Mantra-Dikshit Sadhaks.

Interested in enrolling for this course but not a Mantra-Dikshit Sadhak? You can register conditionally and if approved can receive Mantra Diksha. 

Fill out the registration form that applies to you:
Guru Dakshina
Guru Dakshina is a humble offering made by disciples to honor the highest knowledge that Guru imparts. It is an expression of gratitude and it is a primary practice of Himalayan Siddha Mahayog since time immemorial. By offering Guru Dakshina with generosity and selflessness, seekers are able to purify their heart to nourish the inner transformation.
Sewa Contribution for Course Logistic:
The course is free of cost as Vedanta tatwa-gyan is priceless. However, a minimal contribution has been introduced to cover logistic expenses such as online learning portal, internet usage, audio-visual, teaching-learning materials, tech support, and back-end data management. Learners are welcome to offer additional Guru Dakshina.
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