
Masters of Psychology Student, Canada
I stumbled upon this when I was searching for a way to naturally deal with my anxiety and it has been much more powerful than I thought. Getting to the roots of my anxiety and dealing with it day to day is where Mahayog has really helped me. When I start the day off with meditation, I’m so much fresher. I find myself automatically practicing mindfulness, and expressing a whole lot more gratitude. It’s been a big guide to letting me be more in control of my emotions.

Accountant, Australia
I tried to “meditate” before, but I didn’t know how to or if I was doing it right. The Mahayog team really helped me out. They’ve supported me throughout my meditation journey, and give really effective and practical guidance. I had to get into the habit of sitting still, that took a bit of time but the more effort I put in to carve out time for meditation, the easier it was. It’s really cool to sit and ‘experience’ my Kundalini energy. I had no idea something like this was out there.

Engineer, Scotland
I decided to try this without knowing much about true eastern meditation philosophy. I just knew the word “meditation” but nothing behind it’s scientific or spiritual significance and I was amazed at just how much more there is to it than I thought. I cherish my meditation sessions a lot because I’ve found the tranquility I get during meditation stays throughout my day, when I’m dealing with my work, wife and kids. I’m not getting as caught up in the daily stressors of life like I used to and I’m more balanced.

Nurse, United Kingdom
At the start, I was skeptical about practicing Mahayog, because I’d never heard of automatic Kundalini awakening, and I’d never heard of a “Guru” let alone meditated under the guidance of a Guru. But figured I may just as well give it a shot, and after I actually did it consistently for some months I felt real changes. Early on, I experienced automatic external movements, like shaking and singing during meditation, and I realized real change was happening when my family commented on my behavior; saying I was much calmer, a better communicator and just more satisfied with life. That’s when my trust in Mahayog really developed. I had felt something internally and it was showing to those around me.