Initiation (Deeksha)

In The Himalayan Pashupat Siddha Mahayog Jagatguru Mahayogi Siddha Baba transmits his spiritual energy to awakens a meditator’s dormant Kundalini Energy. This is called initation (Deeksha). Siddha Baba awakens one’s Kundalini by will-power and his touch, mantra, or glance are methods used to transfer his spiritual energy to an aspirant.
To be initiated into the Himalayan Pashupat Siddha Mahayog an aspirant should have a sincere desire to practice this meditation and have faith in and respect for Mahayogi Siddha Baba. It is not necessary to be in the physical presence of Mahayogi Siddhababa in order to be initiated. If one has an earnest desire to learn this meditative technique and makes a request to be initiated then (s)he can get initiated regardless of where (s)he resides in the world. To be initiated please contact us.
If an aspirant has already been initiated by another Spiritual Guru, there is no problem in being re-initiated by Mahayogi Siddha Baba in order to continue/ speed up spiritual progress and reach one’s desired goal. However, one must ask for permission to be re-initiated by their original Guru. One should have equal respect and faith in their original Guru and in Jagatguru Mahayogi Siddha Baba and can continue his/her spiritual practices assigned by his/her original spiritual Guru.