Special Call: Saranagati Mantra Jaap

We have decided to conduct a rare anusthan (ritual): “Shree-Ram Tarak Brahma Yojna”, for which, chanting Ramsharanagati mantra and offering hawan are two important aspects. This Yojna works to eradicate problems present in our global environment. This includes negative spiritual afflictions such as attachment, wrath, greed, love with selfishness, anger, ego etc., and also from aadi-daivik troubles resulting from flooding, landslides, insufficient rain-fall, drought, extremely heavy rain-fall, planetary defects, and defects stemming from kulayandevata. It will also restore overall well-being in human life. We welcome all to participate in the rare and highly beneficial yojna. You can participate by chanting “Shree Ram Sharanagati Mantra” (40 mala a day).