This year’s Guru Purnima, the Full Moon of the Guru, on July 27th was an auspicious day. On this day, a special energy came from the Moon making it the most powerful blessings-filled full moon of the year to obtain the Grace of Guru. The scriptures say that the blessings and Grace of the Guru is the simplest and easiest way to experience transformation in every aspect of your life and help you overcome every problem. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, sadhaks from across Nepal and internationally celebrated the auspicious day with Guru puja, bhajan-kirtan, sadhana and satsang.
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NATIONAL (Chattaradham Ashram, Nepal)
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Guru Paduka Stotram
Guru Paduka Stotram is a very powerful rendition of a well-known chant that glorifies the ‘sandals of the Guru’, which are symbolically represented as ‘the boat to help cross the endless ocean of life.’ This chant will enable those who listen to become receptive to the Guru’s Grace.
अनंतसंसार समुद्रतार नौकायिताभ्यां गुरुभक्तिदाभ्याम् ।
वैराग्यसाम्राज्यदपूजनाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ १ ॥
My prostration to holy sandals of mu Guru, which serve as the boat to cross this endless ocean of Samsara,
which endow me with devotion to Guru, and which grace with the valuable dominion of renunciation.
कवित्ववाराशिनिशाकराभ्यां दौर्भाग्यदावां बुदमालिकाभ्याम् ।
दूरिकृतानम्र विपत्ततिभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ २ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which serve as the down pour of water to put out the fire of
misfortunes, which remove the groups of distresses of those who prostrate to them.
नता ययोः श्रीपतितां समीयुः कदाचिदप्याशु दरिद्रवर्याः ।
मूकाश्र्च वाचस्पतितां हि ताभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ३ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, adoring which the worst poverty stricken, have turned out
to be great possesors of wealth, and even the mutes have turned out to be great masters of speech.
नालीकनीकाश पदाहृताभ्यां नानाविमोहादि निवारिकाभ्याम् ।
नमज्जनाभीष्टततिप्रदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ४ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which remove all kinds of ignorant desires, and which
fulfill in plenty, the desire of those who bow down to them.
नृपालि मौलिव्रजरत्नकांति सरिद्विराजत् झषकन्यकाभ्याम् ।
नृपत्वदाभ्यां नतलोकपंकते: नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ५ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which shine like the precious stones that adorn the crown
of kings, by bowing to which one drowned in worldliness will be lifted up to the great rank of sovereignty.
पापांधकारार्क परंपराभ्यां तापत्रयाहींद्र खगेश्र्वराभ्याम् ।
जाड्याब्धि संशोषण वाडवाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ६ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which serve as the Sun smashing all the illusions of sins,
which are like garuda birds in front of the serpents of the three pains of Samsara; and which are like the
terrific fire that dries away the ocean of jadata or insentience.
शमादिषट्क प्रदवैभवाभ्यां समाधिदान व्रतदीक्षिताभ्याम् ।
रमाधवांध्रिस्थिरभक्तिदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ७ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which endows one with six attributes which can bless with
permanent devotion at the feet of the Lord Rama and which is initiated with the vow of charity and selfsettledness.
स्वार्चापराणाम् अखिलेष्टदाभ्यां स्वाहासहायाक्षधुरंधराभ्याम् ।
स्वांताच्छभावप्रदपूजनाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ८ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which bestows all the wishes of those who are absorbed in
the Self, and which grace with one’s own hidden real nature.
कामादिसर्प व्रजगारुडाभ्यां विवेकवैराग्य निधिप्रदाभ्याम् ।
बोधप्रदाभ्यां दृतमोक्षदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम् ॥ ९ ॥
My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, which are like garudas to all the serpents of desire, and
which bless with the valuable treasure of discrimination and renumciation, and which enlighten with
bodha- the true knowledge, and bless with instant liberation from the shackles of the world.