Pashupat Siddha Mahayog Sadhana in Edmonton

जय श्री सीताराम

Himalayan Pashupat Siddha Mahayog Meditation Centre, Ottawa was recently in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In collaboration with We and the World (WAW) and Fiji Multicultural Centre, we conducted a three-day Mahayog Meditation program from April 19-21, 2019. We are so delighted to have shared this powerful sadhana (meditation) with over a 100 participants, some of whom came all the way from Calgary! Bhajan kirtan, the singing or chanting of sacred mantras or transcendental sound, was also part of the program and meditators were able to enhance their learning through one-on-one interaction with instructor Dr. Govinda Dahal. It was also a great blessing for us to share bibuti prasad (sacred ash from wood burnt in havan) of Shree Ram Tarak Brahma Mahayagya. A BIG thank you goes to all program organizers – your efforts were great pillars for the success of the program and to Shiv-shakti Mandir (Edmonton) for hosting the sessions in your beautiful space.

We, on behalf of all sadhaks and those who have been involved in organizing these sessions, express our heart-felt gratitude to our respected Sadgurudev His Holiness Jagatguru Mahayogi Siddhababa. Without his invaluable blessings and kripa the program would not have been possible. Koti Koti Naman Gurudeva.














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