*Hindi follows**
Dear Friends:
Today, human communities all over the world are departing from their true human values. As a result,our social environment is being increasingly polluted and is suffering from issues including violence, fraudulence, blasphemy and abuse. What’s more, every society in the globe is negatively influenced by spiritual afflictions such as attachment, wrath, greed, love with selfishness, anger, ego etc., and also from aadi-daivik troubles resulting from flooding, landslides, insufficient rain-fall, drought, extremely heavy rain-fall, planetary defects, and defects stemming from kulayandevata. In addition, Aadi-bhautik troubles which are caused by human beings, animals and birds and so on are also equally worrying. Without establishing mutual respect, love, non-violence, cooperation, good health and peace, we cannot fix these problems and protect living beings. One easy way to overcome from these complex troubles is to do regular chanting of shree Ram-nam and practice Mahayog Sadhana with full devotion. It is said:
Veda purana santa mata yahu | salala sukriti phala rama sanehu ||
Chahu juga tini kaala tihu loka | Bhaye naama japi jina bisoka||
Nahi kali karama n bhagati bibeku | Ram nam abalamban eku||
It means, Sriram nam Sadhanaa path or Siddha Mahayoga (Suratshavda yog) is a complete path, and practicing ritual (Anushthan) according to this path definitely eradicates all problems and restores overall well-being in human life.
In order to materialize this, we have decided to conduct a rare anusthan (ritual): “Shree-Ram Tarak Brahma Yojna”, for which, chanting Ramsharanagati mantra and offering hawan are two important aspects. Chanting mantra has already been started from last Mahashivaratri 2018 and will be continued until Janaki Navami next year. During this period, at least 1000 men and women will first chant “Shree Ram Sharanagati Mantra” at least 4000 times (40 mala) a day. To chant 4000 mantra, it takes about an hour. Overall, men sadhaks should complete 12 lakh japa during 300 days while women sadhaks in 330 days. After completing 12 lakh (1,200,000) mantras, Sadhaks are then required to offer Sava-lakh (1,500,000) hawan (mixture of pure ghee, herbal medicines, holy grains etc. on the divine fire). As it is immensely important for our personal as well as global wellbeing and peace, we welcome you all interested individuals to participate in this rare auspicious anusthan.
Method to be followed:
- Receive initiation of Sharanagati Mantra with Gurudeva truly following Pancha–Samskars (5-impressions)
- During this Anusthan (ritual), consumptions of meat and alcohol are prohibited.
- Chanting the given mantra daily 4000 times after having a bath. Chanting can be done at any time: morning, day or evening.
- Women are not advised to chant mantra during 4-days of menstruation period.
- Except people who are under thirteen days of mourning, all others including who are under sutak (ritual associated with new-born babies) in the family are advised to chant mantra after having fresh bath.
- You must sit while doing mantra japa.
Location and time for next mantra initiation:
- 7 AM, 29th of Phalgun, 2074. Narayan-sthan, Pokhara – Nepal
- 7 AM, 30th of Phalgun 2074. Udasi Nanankmath, Balaju, Kathmandu
Please contact the following numbers in Barahachhetra, Chataradham, Sunsari – Nepal, if you have any special questions or information during Navaratri. For interested individuals outside Nepal please contact the provided Canadian number.
Phone numbers (Nepal): 9851078500/ 9851173309
Phone number (Canada): +1 (613) 879 1825
विशेष आह्वान
** जय श्रीसीताराम। **
आदरणीय मित्रों, आज संसार भर के मानव समुदाय अपनी मानवीयता से दिन-प्रतिदिन पतित होने के कारण हर जगह छल-कपट, निन्दा-स्तुति, गाली-गलौंज,कलह आदि व्यापक रुप से हो रहा है, जिसके कारण वातावरण अत्यन्त ही कलुषित होता जा रहा है। साथही साथ वात,पित्त,कफकी विषम्ताके कारण विविधप्रकारके शारीरिक रोंगसे जन्य दु:ख एवं काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, मद मात्सर्य,ईर्ष्या, द्वेष आदि विकारोंसे उत्पन्न *आध्यात्मिक दु:ख* और सर्दी,गर्मी,वर्षा,हवा बाढ, अल्पवृष्टि, अतिवृष्टि, अनावृष्टि भूत-प्रेत, ग्रह कुल पितृ, यक्ष, राक्षस आदि के माध्यम से होने वाले *आदिदैविक दु:ख* , मनुष्य, पशुपक्षी,किट-पतङ्ग,सर्प,विष तथा वृक्षाआदि से होने वाले *आदिभौतिक दु:ख* से दु:खित अवस्था है चारोओर कोलाहल मचाहुवा है,इन सब परिस्थितिऔं से रक्षा करते हुए एक दूसरे से प्रेम, सम भाव,सहिष्णुता,अहिंसा, सहयोग, आरोग्यता, शान्तिआदि मनुस्यत्व विकास करतेहुए *भगवानकी अनन्य प्रेमाभक्ति प्राप्ति* करवानेका एकमात्र सटिक सहज उपाय है *श्रीराम नाम जप ध्यान साधना।*
वेद पुराण संत मत एहु*। *सकल सुकृत फल राम सनेहु ।।
चहुँ जुग तीनि काल तिहुँ लोका* *।भए नाम जपि जीव बिसोका।।
नहिं कलि करम न भगती बिबेकु* । *राम नाम अवलंबन एकु।।
सर्वमत सर्वसिद्धान्त से प्रतिपादित मार्ग *श्रीराम नाम साधना मार्ग अर्थात् पाशुपत सिद्ध महायोग (सुरतशब्दयोग) ही पूर्ण मार्ग है* ।और इस अनुष्ठान से समग्र हित सुनिश्चित है, अत: *श्रीराम तारक ब्रह्मयज्ञका* निश्चय करके गत महाशिवरात्रि से श्रीजानकी नवमीतक कम से कम एक सहस्रसे अधिक साधक साधिकओं से (पुरुषों के द्धारा ३०० दिनो मे तथा स्त्रियों के द्धारा ३३० दिनों में) होने वाला १२ लाख शरणागति मन्त्र जाप (दैनिक १ घण्टा में ४० माला) करने के लिए सभी श्रद्धालुजनौंको आह्वान करते हैं ।
१) श्री गुरुदेवजी द्धारा पंच सस्कारपूर्वक शरणागत मन्त्र दीक्षा ग्रहण करनी होगी ।
२) जपानुष्ठान काल तक मांस मदिरा पान पूर्ण रु से त्याज्य होगा।
३) प्रतिदिन शुद्ध होकर (शोचादि से निवृत्त) ४००० जप करना होगा ।
४) स्त्रियो के लिए मासिक धर्म काल के चार दिन जप करना निषेध होगा ।
५) अपने परिवार के मरणसूतक काल मे १३ दिन जप निषेध तथा अन्य सूतक-पतकमे नहाकर जप करने का विधान है । जै सियाराम।।
महायोगी सिद्धबाबा अध्यात्मिक प्रतिष्ठान, बराहक्षेत्र, चतराधाम, सुनसरी, नेपाल।